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Payment options

Paypal(+additional costs)
Billink post-payment
Sofort Banking
Credit card(+additional costs)
Pay in advance
Gift voucher/Card
Pay in-store at pick-up

All our payments are handled by Mollie Payments, with the exception of bank transfer and post-payment.

Prepay by bank transfer

Have you chosen to pay in advance by bank transfer? Then make the invoice amount yourself, immediately after placing your order, via your own bank, stating invoice number* (the full number starting with INV :

Attn: SoMuch Fashion
IBAN NL70INGB0005826035



* The invoice number can be found in the attachment of the order confirmation you receive by e-mail. Not (fully) mentioning the invoice number in the payment may result in it taking longer before the payment is linked to the order and the parcel is dispatched. Characteristics such as order number, surname or similar are not recognised by the system and also lead to delays.

Something goes wrong during payment?

If you have registered as a customer (most convenient), you can see all your order details in My Account . You can then also make your payment with the exception of bank transfer.

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